Growing up I was always amazed at the things my grandmother could make. It was amazing. Clothes, reupholstering furniture, curtains ... everything. She is such a talented lady. My family went up to visit my grandparents last week and I asked her if I could look at her old patterns and take a few. That turned into a bigger project than I had first imagined. We went through all her patterns and would laugh at the styles and patterns (she has patterns from about 1950 to the present). We talked about what she used certain patterns for, and it was really fun to see ones that I remembered her making for me. Well after we went through her patterns we just kept going around the room and cleaned out all the drawers. She gave me tons of piping and bias tape and trim and thread and snaps and elastic - but it was the buttons that most excited me. Look at the box of buttons she gave me!
Filled to the brim with buttons! They were so fun to go through because most of them were from the 50s and 60s and they would have price tags like "19 cents." And they were just really cool. Now before Granny gave me a ton of buttons, this was my button collection:That was it. And this is the after:
And yes I did spend about 3 hours organizing them because that's just the kind of crazy person I am. But do you see all the lovely buttons? It almost makes me want to think up a project that involves a lot of buttons just so I can use them.
It's been about a week and a half since I've sewn anything and I'm itching to get started. Hopefully I'll be able to work on some projects this week - I certainly have a long list in my mind.
I'm jealous of all your cool buttons. My great grandmother had lots of cool buttons and when she died, they threw them away. =(